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The Benefits Of Rewarding Yourself

#girlboss self-care work & life balance Mar 09, 2020

When was the last time you did something and rewarded yourself for doing it?

If the first thought that pops in your head is: It's been a while, or I don't remember. Then you are way overdue for rewarding yourself.

Rewarding yourself for something you have accomplished is a vital habit to have as a female entrepreneur.

Cuz if you're working on getting your business off the ground or growing it to a new level. You have to have the ongoing energy available to make this happen.

When you're out there making connections, talking to prospective clients, and doing your #girlboss hustle, you are exerting a good deal of energy. Being an entrepreneur is like climbing a mountain with each task you do to grow your business.

So to not run out of steam each day, adding in habits of self-care to restore your energy is essential.

Because when you're doing your entrepreneurial climb filled with balanced energy, you feel grounded and safe. Which then empowers you to climb higher each day with ease, clarity, and confidence.

Allowing you to receive openly new business opportunities that can lead to greater and greater prosperity.

However, if your energy is unbalanced, you're likely to miss a step.  Which can lead to missing an advantageous opportunity for your business.

This is why creating a habit of rewarding yourself for things you accomplished, is good for you. It's a way of restoring energy to your body that you've been exerting on your climb.

You see, scientifically, getting a reward produces feel-good emotions within the body. And when your body gets to feel these emotions, it restores and refuels your energy. Which then helps you to keep going empowered each day of your hustle.

Now, if it's been a while since you last rewarded yourself for all the work you've done in your entrepreneurial journey.

Think of one thing today you could give yourself as a reward?

It doesn't have to be anything fancy or big. It can be something simple as taking a moment to go to the park and picking up a few pretty flowers to put in a vase to decorate a table. As long as you reward yourself with something that makes you happy, that's all that counts in what reward you give yourself. 

Do this today. Reward yourself and you'll see how this habit will help you stay energized and empowered for achieving entrepreneurial success each day. 



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