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Welcome, Empowered StartupBoss!

Providing female entrepreneurs practical strategies, advice, and personalized guidance on achieving a healthy work-life balance today.



Are you a female entrepreneur feeling the weight of the work-life balance struggle?

Does the juggle between your business and personal life seem overwhelming, affecting your ability to truly focus on business growth?

Look no further – you're in the right place!


Discover Work-Life Balance Strategies that Empower You

I see you, Beautiful. You're here, searching for a way out of the struggle with your business. Trying daily to navigate the challenges you face while balancing multiple roles.

Finding it difficult to dedicate the time and energy into achieving the financial freedom and business success you seek.

You're determined, driven to pursue your business goals, to grow your business and make more money. While you're committed to making a positive impact. But each time you try to make progress, you hit a wall. You feel lost, stuck, blocked by the overwhelm.

You see others' success and feel a pang of jealousy. You sense there's something out there to help you grow your business, but it feels just out of reach. You're searching for clarity, but you're spinning in circles.

You're questioning, 'Do I have what it takes to be a successful business woman?'

Listen to me, Queen, YES! You do have what it takes.

Your intuition led you here. This is where you'll find the support and guidance you need to make your business dream real. The income and work-life balance you seek is closer than you think.



Book Your Complimentary Coaching Session Today!

Unlock your potential and empower your success with tailored coaching specifically for women entrepreneurs. Don't wait, spaces are limited!

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The latest from my blog 

Empowering Your Self-Worth

May 01, 2024

Budget-Friendly Startup Tips

Jun 01, 2024

The Advantages of Entrepreneurship

Jul 01, 2024

For me, your success is personal!

 After struggling to feel confident in growing a business for years, I finally decided to do something about it. What started as a quest to conquer my own insecurities, fears, and self-doubts has turned into a system that has helped the scores of my women clients step into who they really are and confidently show up in their business and lives like never before.

My mission is to service female entrepreneurs by empowering them to remove the roadblocks holding them back from running a thriving, lucrative Empowered Startup BOSS women-owned business.

Read my story


Pricelda S.

'Livia helped me with packaging my most popular services. It's easy to want to do everything on your own but at some point you have to seek out help from others who understand where you are because they too have been there. So I trust Livia to be there for me and my business.'

Hanul B.

'I'm thankful for Livia's ability to help clarify business direction in the sea of possibilities. In each step, she gave me the deep belief that I could pull it off. She is uniquely qualified to guide others and make the approach to ownership feel stress-free.'

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With ongoing support for you to feel confident in showing up in your business and live like never before!