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Self Sacrificing? Try This To End It!

confidence building women empowerment work & life balance Oct 07, 2019

 Do you feel like you're sacrificing too much to run your business?


One of many, eye-opening lessons I learned as a female entrepreneur was what I call a Sacrificial Savior, in how I used to run my business as well as life.

I would go out into the world and fight the good fight for others. I would push myself to help my clients get the best, my ex-partner to be happy, and my friends and family to be supported any time they needed. I would work long hours, get little sleep, not eat well, all to make sure everyone was taken care of.

However, what I was really doing was not taking care of the person who mattered the most in the business and life - The Lady In Charge, aka. Me. Which if you are a fellow #femaleentrepreneur like myself, this would be You

I was sacrificing The Lady In Charge to be the Sacrificial Savior for other people's happiness instead.

I thought I was a Hero, but I was really just allowing myself to be a victim. Which was keeping me in a low mental place, because I had thought I was a victim of my circumstances, and this was how life was.


You see, when you're being a Sacrificial Savior, you don't see the many new opportunities that are there to help you thrive.


Instead, you miss those opportunities and think you're a victim to 'life's circumstances'.  Because you think, there was no way out of the misery you're in, and all you can do is live that kind of life.  You end up settling for a life full of struggle and burn-out.  

Very much a Loose-Loose-Loose way to run a business and live a life.


When you're being a Sacrificial Savior (conscious of it or not), you have a hard time growing a business that isn't one full of struggle and hardship.


Which I assume you hadn't chosen being a Sacrificial Savior as your goal for your business and life, if you're reading me today. 

Well, you're in luck, then!!


To break out of the being the Sacrificial Savior can be easily done!!! 


A great way to begin, is to try this simple technique:

Mindset Shift with Breath-Work

One of my good friends, Mindset Coach Jodi Randall, recommends breath-work as an easy way to shift your mind from being in victim mode to Empowered Lady In Charge mode.

Check out this great video she did on how Breath-Work Will Save Your Life. In this video she shares the benefits of breath-work, and two easy breath exercises to practice.

Breath-Work Will Save Your Life

Click here to watch the Youtube Video -->


Use this technique today, to help you become an Empowered Lady in Charge when you're falling into the trap of becoming a Sacrificial Savior.




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